Friday, April 22, 2011

Stopping before starting...

I have had four surgeries in the last six months with issues related to fissures, fistulas and anorectal abscesses and here I am back in hospital again as I have persistent pain that won't go away - who knows what is wrong now.

Anyhow spitting out the first couple of pages of the BBB Project may be a challenge.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Finally the writing begins

Today, I have finally got off my behind and started to work on the BBB project.  I am putting together about ten years of ideas to write a screenplay that I hope is funny, dramatic and most importantly to me has heart - when I watch a movie, whether it is Rocky, Braveheart or Shrek, I have to be dragged in emotionally and taken on a journey - the success or failure of my movie will be based on this.

My ideas are jotted down in notebooks, e-mails I have sent to myself and sticky labels that I have used to shift scenes around with.  Writing this blog will be a challenge as I want to convince you that I am writing something "worthy" but how do I do that when I am a bit afraid to let my ideas out in the public domain at the moment.  I will have to try and figure this out over time.

To get going I need a great screen play writing program and I will be having a look at Celtix ( - it is free, open source and it allows you to also create comics, books and films.  As I get going I will provide a review on how this works in progress.

Keep writing!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

"Flamin' Funerals" and "A Day in the Life"

About 10 years ago I did the self teaching thing via a couple of books (thanks Sid Fields) thing and taught myself how to write screenplays. Hey, anyone can do it? Over a three year period I managed to write "A Day in the Life" and "Flamin' Funerals", one very average script and the other not too bad but would need a major polish before the world would show some love. These screenplays did the rounds and I had no luck. Life intervened in the form of major operations, work, getting married and having children and now I have a bit more life experience I am motivated again to try my hand at writing another screenplay and selling the sucker - this is my story...